roeren is part of the publicly funded research project EREP

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With great commitment from all involved, the 18. and October 19 with the two kick-off days at the iwb (Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management) of the Technical University of Munich in Garching, the research project EREP – Successful Remanufacturing through Data-Based Decision Making and Intelligent Process Planning , funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), was launched. In addition to roeren in collaboration with Aperion Analytics, other industry and research partners are involved in this joint project: TU München, Siemens, König Metall, SPC, ModuleWorks, spanflug, AWM and AixPath are looking forward to taking remanufacturing to a new level over the next three years with the help of additive manufacturing methods.

Aim of the research project

The overall objective of the EREP project is to increase the resilience of the German manufacturing industry. In particular, elements of a hybrid process chain in the form of complementary, additive processes are being investigated. In the context of the project, these serve as an extension for classic approaches to remanufacturing and thus the circular economy. The application of data-based methods for decision-making and process planning is also intended to make implementation planning efficient.

Reference from roeren to remanufacturing

The importance of circular business and production processes has increased sharply in recent years. At roeren, as at Aperion, we think that this clear trend will continue and that remanufacturing as a circular production process will steadily gain in relevance. Due to the tense raw material situation and the political and social focus on sustainable processes, there are already signs of a significant increase in industry interest in remanufacturing processes.
As part of the research project, roeren would like to deepen its many years of expertise in the field of remanufacturing and the circular economy in order to provide manufacturing companies with the best possible support in the transformation towards sustainable processes and business models in the future.

Thanks to sponsors and project executing agencies

This research and development project is funded by the BMBF as part of the “Future of Work” program and supervised by the Karlsruhe Project Management Agency (PTKA). The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author. We would like to thank especially the funding agency BMBF as well as the project executing agency PTKA (Projektträger Karlsruhe) for their generous support and look forward to working with them!

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